Artistic Judaic Promotions
Kolbo Fine Judaica Gallery
Jewish Gift Place
artful home
K4 GlassArt
Stunning, Original, Glass-Art for Home & Office
Table Top Sculptures
Wall Sculptures
LED Wall Sculptures
LED Table Top Sculptures
Wall Hearts
Table Top Hearts
Home Decor
Passover Shabbat
Judaica Sculpture
Passover Shabbat
Seder Plate RD Fused / SPRD Fused. Wines, Turquoise, Teals. 14″ Diameter
Seder Plate SP-RD LG Fused-Glass. Frosted Cobalt, Gold, Dichroic Clear. 14″ Diameter
Seder Plate SP-RD SM IC/D Wedding. Clear with Gold Stringers. 11″ Diameter
Seder Plate SP-RD SM. Clear, Gold, Clear Dichroic Glass. 11″ Diameter
Seder Plate Rainbow 1. Icicle Collection with 6 Color Dishes. 11″ Diameter
Seder Plate Rainbow 2. Icicle Collection with 6 Cobalt Dishes. 11″ Diameter
Seder Plate Cobalt. Icicle Collection, with 6 Cobalt Dishes. Round 11″ Diameter
Seder Plate Rainbow II, IC/D Icicle Collection Rd. with 6 clear dishes Hebrew Engraved. 11″ Diameter
Sader PLate IC/D Clear RD. Icicle Collection, 6 dishes with Engraved Hebrew. 11″ Diameter
Seder Plate Icicle Collection IC/D Rainbow I. 6 Dishes. 19.5″ x 4.5″
Seder Plate Rectangular, Rainbow IC/D Icicle Collection with 6 Clear Dishes engraved with Hebrew. 19.5″ x 4.5″
Seder Plate Flat Rainbow Lines I. 6 Dishes. 18″ x 5″
Seder Plate Rect-Lg Gala/T The Parting of the Sea II. Clear. 24″ x 4″
Seder Plate Parting of the Sea Collection Seder Plate with Center Tray and Dishes. Clear, Clear Dichroic Glass, Gold Stringers. 14: Diameter.
Seder PLate and Matza Tray IC/D Wedding SP-RD SM IC2/D and Matza T IC/D. Clear with Gold Stringers
Candle Stick Icicle Collection. Iris Rainbow Color CH1 IC/D
Candle Stick Icicle Collection. Clear. CH1 IC/D
Candle Stick Icicle Collection. Honey CH1 IC/D
Candle Stick CH1 IC/D Cobalt and Match Box IC/D
Candle Stick IC/D Gold Tray IC/D Clear and Match Box
Sabbath Tray IC/D Cobalt Shab T IC/D. 16″ x 8″
Group Shabbath and Matza Tray IC/D Clear and Gold
Shabbath Matza Cup and Knife Icicle Collection. Rainbow.
Matza Plate IC/D Flat Rainbow, Sandblasted. 10″ x 10″